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Snow squarestem (Melanthera nivea)

Snow squarestem (Melanthera nivea)

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Description:  A short-lived perennial shrub with 2 foot-tall rounded habit, short-haired leaves resembling a cat's tongue to touch, and 1/2 inch wide rayless flowers with white florets and dark anthers. Very similar to Pineland Blackanthers, but less tall, more spreading.

Natural Habitat: A coastal plant in Southeast Florida, 

Planting and Care: Does best in full sunlight, but flowers fairly well in partial shade.  Tolerant to drought and salt spray once established. Give 2 feet of space for plants in full sun. Self-seeds if surrounding soil is clear.

Pros: A handsome shrub with dense foliage that suppresses adjacent weed growth, and is usually has flowers, which attract most small and medium-sized butterflies & skippers, as well as other pollinators. An excellent native for a pollinator garden or native restoration, an ideal for near the coast.

Cons: Relatively short lived perennial (3-5 years). 

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